
Whilst Starrett 4x4 makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in thiswebsite is accurate and current, we give no warranty or undertaking as to the quality, orfreedom from error, of the contents of the website. The access or use by you of thecontents of this website is entirely at your own risk. Starrett 4x4 does not make anyrepresentation or warranty and expressly disclaims any and all such warranties andterms in respect of any products, services, information or materials. Depending uponthe specification, purchasing a new vehicle may involve a time delay between orderingthe vehicle and taking delivery. Images of our used car stock may have been digitallyaltered. This process is done to remove point of sale material from the vehicle and toadd a digital backdrop.

Third Party Links

To provide increased value to our users, we may provide links to other websites orresources for you to access at your sole discretion. You acknowledge and agree that,as you have chosen to enter the linked website we are not responsible for theavailability of such external sites or resources, and do not review or endorse and are notresponsible or liable directly or indirectly, for the (1) the privacy practices of suchwebsites (2) the content of such websites, including (without limitation) any advertising,content products, goods, or other materials or services on or available from suchwebsites or resources or (3) the use to which others make of these websites orresources, nor for any damage, loss or offence caused or alleged to be caused by, or inconnection with, the use of reliance on any such advertising, content, products, goodsor other materials or services available on such external websites or resources.

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2013. ContainsRoyal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2013

Terms & Conditions for 14 Day Money-back Guarantee

Applies to all used cars ordered and delivered. Customers in this position can return thecar to the dealership within 14 days from delivery/collection and receive a full refund(and cancellation of any finance arranged through us) provided that it is returned in thesame condition with all keys, manuals etc and with no more than 500 miles usage. Thecustomer will be responsible for arranging return to the dealership and for any costs ofdoing so. If the V5 has not yet been received by the customer and cannot be returnedwith the car, a sum of £250 shall be retained from the refund until such time as theoriginal V5 is provided, or the dealership is able to submit the registered keeper changeonline. Any part-exchange vehicles will be paid at the agreed valuation unless a returnof the part-exchange vehicle is agreed. Any return of the part-exchange vehicle wouldbe without any liability for the condition of the part-exchange. Excludes commercialvehicles.

Special Offers
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the independent watchdog that regulatesfinancial services. It requires us to give you this document. Use this information todecide if our services are right for you.

Which products do we offer:

We offer consumer finance products

Which service will we provide you with?

We will advise and make a recommendation for you after we have assessed your needsfor finance. We may ask some questions to narrow down the selection of products thatwe will provide details on. You will then need you to make your own choice about howto proceed.

We act as credit brokers, and we are not a lender but we can introduce you to a numberof lenders who may be able to help finance your purchase, we can only introduce you tothese lenders, however, we are not financial advisors.

What will you have to pay us for our services?

No fee is payable for our services, however, a lender may pay us commission formaking an introduction of business.

Who regulates us?

We are authorised and regulated under interim permission by the Financial ConductAuthority.


Starrett 4x4 Unit 5&6, 241 Berryhill Road, Donemana, BT82 0NR

Starrett 4x4 Unit 5&6, 241 Berryhill Road, Donemana, BT82 0NR

By e-mail: [email protected]

In writing: Starrett 4x4 Unit 5&6, 241 Berryhill Road, Donemana, BT82 0N

By phone: 02871398934

Are we covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)?

We are covered by the FSCS. You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme ifwe cannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type of business and thecircumstances of the claim. Insurance advising and arrangement is covered for 100% ofthe first £2,000 and 90% of the remainder of the claim, without any upper limit.

Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available from theFSCS.

Website Use

All intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright, trade marks, designrights and database rights, both registered and unregistered) in this website and itscontents belong to Starrett 4x4 or one of its group or affiliate companies, or its licensors,or are otherwise used by Starrett 4x4 as permitted under applicable law. No usagerights of any of this website or its contents are licensed to you unless expressly stated inthese Terms and Conditions.

You may view, copy and print the contents of this website for your own personal,private, non-commercial use. You agree to make use of this website and its contentsonly for lawful purposes. You may only establish and/or operate visible or invisible linksto this website with the prior consent in writing of Starrett 4x4

You may not copy, reproduce, republish, adapt, modify or otherwise use any of thecontents of this website for any other purpose (in particular any public, commercialpurpose) without the prior consent in writing of Starrett 4x4 . You may not directly orindirectly make use of any software or system in order to extract systematically,routinely or regularly data from this website or its contents. You may not use thiswebsite or its contents for any unlawful or malicious purpose, or for the purposes ofcausing offence, or any defamatory or libellous activity.

Without prejudice to the generality of the paragraphs above, Starrett 4x4 prohibits theuse in conjunction with the website of any automated system or software, whetheroperated by a third party or otherwise, to extract any data or content from this websitefor comparative websites or any other commercial purpose, without the prior consent inwriting of Starrett 4x4.

Starrett 4x4 reserves the right to monitor your usage of this website and to suspendaccess to or use of this website if your use contravenes these Terms and Conditionsand Starrett 4x4 also reserves the right to take such action as it considers necessary inrelation to any unauthorised use of this website.

Telephone Calls

In our continual effort to improve our levels of customer service, please be aware thatcalls may be monitored and recorded for training and quality purposes.

Competition Terms & Conditions

Competitions are open to anyone aged 16 or over. Competitions are free to enter andthe winner will be drawn randomly. No alternative prize will be offered. Should you win,we will notify you directly for your contact information. We will not share your contactinformation with any third party. The winner will be posted on the site. Strictly one entryper person and duplicate entries will be cancelled.

Starrett 4x4

Starrett 4x4

Typically replies within an hour



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